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+44 (0) 207 100 2121
Office: Av Juan de Arona 735, Lima, 15046
Office: Av Juan de Arona 735, Lima, 15046
Office: Av Juan de Arona 735, Lima, 15046
Office: Av Juan de Arona 735, Lima, 15046
Office: Av Juan de Arona 735, Lima, 15046
Office: Av Juan de Arona 735, Lima, 15046
Office: Av Juan de Arona 735, Lima, 15046
Office: Av Juan de Arona 735, Lima, 15046
Office: Av Juan de Arona 735, Lima, 15046
Office: Av Juan de Arona 735, Lima, 15046
Office: Av Juan de Arona 735, Lima, 15046
Office: Av Juan de Arona 735, Lima, 15046
Office: Av Juan de Arona 735, Lima, 15046
Office: Av Juan de Arona 735, Lima, 15046
Office: Av Juan de Arona 735, Lima, 15046
Office: Av Juan de Arona 735, Lima, 15046

Office Space to Rent:
Av Juan de Arona 735, Lima, 15046

Price available on request.

About this flexible office building

Achieve new business heights in San Isidro, a district of the Lima Province in Peru that has become a major financial quarter in recent years.

Welcome visiting clients at Jorge Chávez International Airport, the country’s largest airport, approximately 20km away.

Collaborate effortlessly in spacious offices and open-plan areas with the vast number of businesses surrounding you in the west centre of the city.

After work, head to the beautiful Combate de Abtao - San Isidro Park to unwind in the peace and fresh air.

Competitively priced office space to rent in Lima, Peru

Alternatively speak to one of our advisors.
+44 (0) 207 100 2121

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