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Office features

  • Wi-Fi
  • Telephone system
  • Furnished
  • Lift/Elevator
  • Kitchen
  • Office cleaning
  • Printing/Scanning
  • Manned reception
  • Video conferencing
  • Training and Conference Rooms (20+ people)
  • Modern building
  • CCTV
  • 24 hr access

Office Space to Rent:
Beach Centre, Beach Road, Singapore, 189677

$640 Per Desk / month

About this flexible office building

Occupying three full floors of a stunning glass building in the core of downtown Singapore, Beach Centre is sure to take your breath away.

Join the throngs of multinational companies of all industries and sizes that flock to the area to enjoy the garden city.

Here, you get a perfect sense of the old and the new in Singapore, with quirky shops like the MINT Museum of Toys and the bookstores at Basah Complex to complement your experience.

Conveniently located between three major MRT stationsCity Hall, Bugis, and Esplanade with each just a two-minute walk away, WeWork Beach Centre makes your morning commute a breeze.

Enjoy tasty lunches at Vatos Urban Tacos or the Armoury, try out famous chicken rice stalls in the area, or plan an after-work hang at the taps of Baccarat.

You've never felt more comfortable at work than you will at Beach Centre.

Come see for yourself.

Alternatively speak to one of our advisors.
+44 (0) 207 100 2121

Nearby Serviced Offices

Singapore, Duo Tower

$627 Per Desk / month

Singapore, Suntec Tower 2

$599 Per Desk / month

Singapore, City Hall

$715 Per Desk / month

410 North Bridge Road

Price available on request.

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