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  • Fantastic January offers available
Prefer to talk to us?
+44 (0) 207 100 2121
Office: 9-18 Motofunamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0035
Office: 9-18 Motofunamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0035
Office: 9-18 Motofunamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0035
Office: 9-18 Motofunamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0035
Office: 9-18 Motofunamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0035
Office: 9-18 Motofunamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0035
Office: 9-18 Motofunamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0035
Office: 9-18 Motofunamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0035
Office: 9-18 Motofunamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0035
Office: 9-18 Motofunamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0035
Office: 9-18 Motofunamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0035
Office: 9-18 Motofunamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0035
Office: 9-18 Motofunamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0035
Office: 9-18 Motofunamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0035
Office: 9-18 Motofunamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0035
Office: 9-18 Motofunamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0035
Office: 9-18 Motofunamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0035
Office: 9-18 Motofunamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0035

Office Space to Rent:
9-18 Motofunamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0035

Price available on request.

About this flexible office building

Take advantage of Nagasaki’s rapid regeneration and energise your team from this vibrant waterfront workspace.

Overlooking the port and popular business district, BizPORT 2F offers inspiring views and business opportunities in equal measure.

Commute with ease with the city’s well-connected public transport links then thrive at work with plenty of open, airy spaces, floor-to-ceiling windows and fully equipped meeting rooms.

Enjoy a well-earned lunchbreak on the promenade, at a local café, or in one of the many nearby up-scale restaurants.

Alternatively speak to one of our advisors.
+44 (0) 207 100 2121

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