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Prefer to talk to us?
+44 (0) 207 100 2121
Office: Centre Ville, 71 angle boulevard Mohamed V et rue Azilal, Casablanca, 20110
Office: Centre Ville, 71 angle boulevard Mohamed V et rue Azilal, Casablanca, 20110
Office: Centre Ville, 71 angle boulevard Mohamed V et rue Azilal, Casablanca, 20110
Office: Centre Ville, 71 angle boulevard Mohamed V et rue Azilal, Casablanca, 20110
Office: Centre Ville, 71 angle boulevard Mohamed V et rue Azilal, Casablanca, 20110
Office: Centre Ville, 71 angle boulevard Mohamed V et rue Azilal, Casablanca, 20110
Office: Centre Ville, 71 angle boulevard Mohamed V et rue Azilal, Casablanca, 20110
Office: Centre Ville, 71 angle boulevard Mohamed V et rue Azilal, Casablanca, 20110
Office: Centre Ville, 71 angle boulevard Mohamed V et rue Azilal, Casablanca, 20110
Office: Centre Ville, 71 angle boulevard Mohamed V et rue Azilal, Casablanca, 20110
Office: Centre Ville, 71 angle boulevard Mohamed V et rue Azilal, Casablanca, 20110
Office: Centre Ville, 71 angle boulevard Mohamed V et rue Azilal, Casablanca, 20110

Office features

  • Business Lounge
  • Parking
  • Video conferencing
  • City/town centre
  • 24 hr access

Office Space to Rent:
Centre Ville, 71 angle boulevard Mohamed V et rue Azilal, Casablanca, 20110

Price available on request.

About this flexible office building

In the middle of the economical capital and Morocco's largest city, our Casablanca Centre Ville Business centre is an easily accessible location.

Just a short walk from the main train stations downtown and close to the National Route 1, that is connecting both North and South ends of the Kingdom of Morocco.

The main Tramway route is also in front of the building.

Casablanca is Maghreb's largest city, home to diverse businesses with a rich industrial profile driven by its busy port - one of the biggest ports in North Africa.

From the centre, the city is easy to explore on foot, by road, and by public transport.

Boulevard Mohamed V is recognized for its art deco legacy and benefits from the proximity to the main hotel poles downtown of the city.

Convenient parking for you and your clients Unlimited high-speed internet to keep you connected Ideally located in the heart of the economic capital of Morocco Easily reachable by public transportation you are close to the cities major landscapes and commercial areas Business lounge access for working on the move Professional meeting rooms so you can bring people together Competitively priced office space to rent in Casablanca, Morocco

Alternatively speak to one of our advisors.
+44 (0) 207 100 2121

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Price available on request.

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