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Office: Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023
Office: Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023
Office: Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023
Office: Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023
Office: Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023
Office: Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023
Office: Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023
Office: Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023
Office: Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023
Office: Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023
Office: Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023
Office: Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023
Office: Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023
Office: Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023
Office: Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023
Office: Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023
Office: Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023
Office: Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023
Office: Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023
Office: Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023

Office features

  • Business Lounge
  • Showers

Office Space to Rent:
Connecticut, Berlin - Berlin, Building B, East Berlin, CT 6023

$582 Per Desk / month

About this flexible office building

With its well-kept park-like grounds, there are attractive views from all three floors of the East Berlin Center.

Located in a business park, with free parking, it is just 15 minutes from Hartford and 20 minutes from New Haven, home of the famous Yale University, the city's largest employer.

More than half of New Haven's economy is made up of services and other major employers include hospitals and other universities.

The traditional home of insurance, Hartford is now dominated by industries including aerospace, IT, precision machining and healthcare.

Several foreign-owned companies enjoy the region's strategic location midway between New York and Boston.

New England's largest energy utility Northeast Utilities has made its corporate headquarters in Hartford, and work has also begun on the headquarters of engineering firm AI.

Alternatively speak to one of our advisors.
+44 (0) 207 100 2121

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