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+44 (0) 207 100 2121
Office: Berea, Ground Floor, East London
Office: Berea, Ground Floor, East London
Office: Berea, Ground Floor, East London
Office: Berea, Ground Floor, East London
Office: Berea, Ground Floor, East London
Office: Berea, Ground Floor, East London
Office: Berea, Ground Floor, East London
Office: Berea, Ground Floor, East London
Office: Berea, Ground Floor, East London
Office: Berea, Ground Floor, East London
Office: Berea, Ground Floor, East London
Office: Berea, Ground Floor, East London
Office: Berea, Ground Floor, East London
Office: Berea, Ground Floor, East London
Office: Berea, Ground Floor, East London
Office: Berea, Ground Floor, East London
Office: Berea, Ground Floor, East London
Office: Berea, Ground Floor, East London
Office: Berea, Ground Floor, East London
Office: Berea, Ground Floor, East London

Office Space to Rent:
Berea, Ground Floor, East London

Price available on request.

About this flexible office building




Our East London business centre is in the heart of Eastern Cape.

Where you’re close to companies of all sizes – from motoring to manufacturing.

It’s a simple building in a strategic location.

So you can find your focus.

Get out there and start networking.

Or take a walk along nearby Pearce Street to grab some lunch and essential supplies.

Temperature control.

To keep you comfortable.

A quiet and unassuming location.

In a spacious tree-lined street.

Twenty minutes from East London Airport.

Business lounge access.

Just drop in and work.

Competitively priced office space to rent in East London, South Africa

Alternatively speak to one of our advisors.
+44 (0) 207 100 2121

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