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+44 (0) 207 100 2121
Office: Neu-Isenburg, Dornhofstrasse 34, Frankfurt, 63263
Office: Neu-Isenburg, Dornhofstrasse 34, Frankfurt, 63263
Office: Neu-Isenburg, Dornhofstrasse 34, Frankfurt, 63263
Office: Neu-Isenburg, Dornhofstrasse 34, Frankfurt, 63263
Office: Neu-Isenburg, Dornhofstrasse 34, Frankfurt, 63263
Office: Neu-Isenburg, Dornhofstrasse 34, Frankfurt, 63263
Office: Neu-Isenburg, Dornhofstrasse 34, Frankfurt, 63263
Office: Neu-Isenburg, Dornhofstrasse 34, Frankfurt, 63263
Office: Neu-Isenburg, Dornhofstrasse 34, Frankfurt, 63263
Office: Neu-Isenburg, Dornhofstrasse 34, Frankfurt, 63263
Office: Neu-Isenburg, Dornhofstrasse 34, Frankfurt, 63263
Office: Neu-Isenburg, Dornhofstrasse 34, Frankfurt, 63263

Office features

  • Parking
  • Airport location

Office Space to Rent:
Neu-Isenburg, Dornhofstrasse 34, Frankfurt, 63263

€178 Per Desk / month

About this flexible office building

The Frankfurt Neu-Isenburg centre is a relaxed out of town environment that lets you work in peace, away from the busy financial centre of Frankfurt itself.

The centre is located in an established commuter belt around Frankfurt, so you get the benefits of excellent parking and proximity to the airport, safe in the knowledge that central Frankfurt is just 15 minutes away.

In fact, Neu-Isenburg is so close that Frankfurt's world-class infrastructure extends out to the city, with regular S-Bahn connections and buses to and from the central business district.

And if you drive, you'll find yourself in an ideal strategic position for access across the entire region, close to the A3, A5 and A661 autobahns and just ten minutes from Frankfurt Airport.

Alternatively speak to one of our advisors.
+44 (0) 207 100 2121

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