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+44 (0) 207 100 2121
Office: 16F Hiroshima High Building, Hiroshima, 730-0022
Office: 16F Hiroshima High Building, Hiroshima, 730-0022
Office: 16F Hiroshima High Building, Hiroshima, 730-0022
Office: 16F Hiroshima High Building, Hiroshima, 730-0022
Office: 16F Hiroshima High Building, Hiroshima, 730-0022
Office: 16F Hiroshima High Building, Hiroshima, 730-0022
Office: 16F Hiroshima High Building, Hiroshima, 730-0022
Office: 16F Hiroshima High Building, Hiroshima, 730-0022
Office: 16F Hiroshima High Building, Hiroshima, 730-0022
Office: 16F Hiroshima High Building, Hiroshima, 730-0022
Office: 16F Hiroshima High Building, Hiroshima, 730-0022
Office: 16F Hiroshima High Building, Hiroshima, 730-0022

Office features

  • Business Lounge
  • On Site Café
  • Video conferencing
  • City/town centre

Office Space to Rent:
16F Hiroshima High Building, Hiroshima, 730-0022

¥100,000 Per Desk / month

About this flexible office building

This centre is in the Hiroshima High building in the city's main central business district.

The building received an award for excellent architecture from the city and has views of the Kyobashi river.

Five of its 18 floors are occupied by a major bank.

Hiroshima is known historically as an industrial city and port.

Manufacturing is the largest industry, particularly the production of cars, car parts and industrial equipment.

The research and design elements of these industries have naturally led to the growth of many innovative specialist companies.

Another result of the concentration of industry is a wealth of skilled personnel and technological expertise, considered by businesses to be a major reason for locating here.

Hiroshima also recently made it onto Lonely Planet's list of the top cities in the world.

Commuting times rank among the shortest in Japan and the cost of living is lower than other large cities.

Alternatively speak to one of our advisors.
+44 (0) 207 100 2121

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