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Office: Saigon Tower, 16th Floor, Ho Chi Minh City
Office: Saigon Tower, 16th Floor, Ho Chi Minh City
Office: Saigon Tower, 16th Floor, Ho Chi Minh City
Office: Saigon Tower, 16th Floor, Ho Chi Minh City
Office: Saigon Tower, 16th Floor, Ho Chi Minh City
Office: Saigon Tower, 16th Floor, Ho Chi Minh City
Office: Saigon Tower, 16th Floor, Ho Chi Minh City
Office: Saigon Tower, 16th Floor, Ho Chi Minh City
Office: Saigon Tower, 16th Floor, Ho Chi Minh City
Office: Saigon Tower, 16th Floor, Ho Chi Minh City
Office: Saigon Tower, 16th Floor, Ho Chi Minh City
Office: Saigon Tower, 16th Floor, Ho Chi Minh City
Office: Saigon Tower, 16th Floor, Ho Chi Minh City
Office: Saigon Tower, 16th Floor, Ho Chi Minh City
Office: Saigon Tower, 16th Floor, Ho Chi Minh City
Office: Saigon Tower, 16th Floor, Ho Chi Minh City
Office: Saigon Tower, 16th Floor, Ho Chi Minh City
Office: Saigon Tower, 16th Floor, Ho Chi Minh City

Office features

  • Video conferencing
  • City/town centre

Office Space to Rent:
Saigon Tower, 16th Floor, Ho Chi Minh City

₫389 Per Desk / month

About this flexible office building

The business centre in Ho Chi Minh City Saigon Tower is in a prestigious building in the heart of the central business district.

The business centre is situated on the 16th floor, there are some views over the surrounding area and the Saigon River.

The landmark building which has an impressive polished granite facade and distinctive architectural style is home to many international corporations.

These include law firms, management consultants, international airlines, banks and oil and gas companies.

Saigon Tower is immediately opposite the American and French consulates and next to the British consulate.

The building is conveniently located for public transport.

Alternatively speak to one of our advisors.
+44 (0) 207 100 2121

Nearby Serviced Offices

Ho Chi Minh City, Deutsches Haus

₫319 Per Desk / month

Deutsches Haus Conference Centre 2F

Price available on request.


Price available on request.

Ho Chi Minh City, Me Linh Point Tower

₫340 Per Desk / month

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