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+44 (0) 207 100 2121
Office: Spaces Building, Rabat, 20232
Office: Spaces Building, Rabat, 20232
Office: Spaces Building, Rabat, 20232
Office: Spaces Building, Rabat, 20232
Office: Spaces Building, Rabat, 20232
Office: Spaces Building, Rabat, 20232
Office: Spaces Building, Rabat, 20232
Office: Spaces Building, Rabat, 20232
Office: Spaces Building, Rabat, 20232
Office: Spaces Building, Rabat, 20232
Office: Spaces Building, Rabat, 20232
Office: Spaces Building, Rabat, 20232
Office: Spaces Building, Rabat, 20232
Office: Spaces Building, Rabat, 20232
Office: Spaces Building, Rabat, 20232
Office: Spaces Building, Rabat, 20232
Office: Spaces Building, Rabat, 20232
Office: Spaces Building, Rabat, 20232

Office Space to Rent:
Spaces Building, Rabat, 20232

Price available on request.

About this flexible office building

Grow your ambitions under the Moroccan sun at La Rocade with a modern workspace positioned among cultural landmarks.

Enjoy the laid-back lifestyle of this capital city, while the bright, light-filled workspace keeps you feeling productive throughout the day.

Look out at green surroundings from the generous windows the glass façade provides, while working comfortably from contemporary, ergonomic furniture.

When the sun goes down and the last email is sent, take a stroll up the road and discover local dining gems.

Alternatively speak to one of our advisors.
+44 (0) 207 100 2121

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