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  • Extensive market knowledge and experience
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  • Fantastic January offers available
Prefer to talk to us?
+44 (0) 207 100 2121
Office: 63 Minamimachi, Himeji, 670-0912
Office: 63 Minamimachi, Himeji, 670-0912
Office: 63 Minamimachi, Himeji, 670-0912
Office: 63 Minamimachi, Himeji, 670-0912
Office: 63 Minamimachi, Himeji, 670-0912
Office: 63 Minamimachi, Himeji, 670-0912
Office: 63 Minamimachi, Himeji, 670-0912
Office: 63 Minamimachi, Himeji, 670-0912
Office: 63 Minamimachi, Himeji, 670-0912
Office: 63 Minamimachi, Himeji, 670-0912
Office: 63 Minamimachi, Himeji, 670-0912
Office: 63 Minamimachi, Himeji, 670-0912
Office: 63 Minamimachi, Himeji, 670-0912
Office: 63 Minamimachi, Himeji, 670-0912
Office: 63 Minamimachi, Himeji, 670-0912
Office: 63 Minamimachi, Himeji, 670-0912

Office Space to Rent:
63 Minamimachi, Himeji, 670-0912

Price available on request.

About this flexible office building

Stay connected with a modern workspace in Himeji’s lively centre.

Strategically located next to the train station and its direct links to Kobe, Osaka, and Kyoto, our Mitsuwa Building is ideally placed for doing business across the ‘City on the Sea’ and beyond.

Grab a coffee and catch up with emails on the outdoor terrace.

Move inside and work through your to-do list in stylish surroundings designed for productivity.

When you need a break, take a stroll to Honmachi Park – home to the world-famous Himeji castle.

Alternatively speak to one of our advisors.
+44 (0) 207 100 2121

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