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Prefer to talk to us?
+44 (0) 207 100 2121
Office: Kakyoin, 1F 2F Takanoboru 5 Building, Sendai, 980-0013
Office: Kakyoin, 1F 2F Takanoboru 5 Building, Sendai, 980-0013
Office: Kakyoin, 1F 2F Takanoboru 5 Building, Sendai, 980-0013
Office: Kakyoin, 1F 2F Takanoboru 5 Building, Sendai, 980-0013
Office: Kakyoin, 1F 2F Takanoboru 5 Building, Sendai, 980-0013
Office: Kakyoin, 1F 2F Takanoboru 5 Building, Sendai, 980-0013
Office: Kakyoin, 1F 2F Takanoboru 5 Building, Sendai, 980-0013
Office: Kakyoin, 1F 2F Takanoboru 5 Building, Sendai, 980-0013
Office: Kakyoin, 1F 2F Takanoboru 5 Building, Sendai, 980-0013
Office: Kakyoin, 1F 2F Takanoboru 5 Building, Sendai, 980-0013
Office: Kakyoin, 1F 2F Takanoboru 5 Building, Sendai, 980-0013
Office: Kakyoin, 1F 2F Takanoboru 5 Building, Sendai, 980-0013

Office Space to Rent:
Kakyoin, 1F 2F Takanoboru 5 Building, Sendai, 980-0013

¥100,000 Per Desk / month

About this flexible office building

This centre is located on the north side of Sendai station in Kakyoin, Aoba-ku.

By walking past the commercial zones around the staiton, you reach the sophisticated business area, saught-after by many major companies like Tohoku Electric, large manufacturers, their affiliates and partners.

“Takanoboru 5” can easily be accessed from Sendai station.

It is very visible from the station and from Kotodai Koen area, where the prefectural government office and Sendai city hall are situated.

The building also faces Route 45 or Sen’en Kaido which runs horizontally through the city.

There are many parking spaces and business hotels around the building which conveniently serve business people.

We may suggest various office types, to be used as branches, sales hubs, project rooms or job interview venues.

Our receptionists will be there to support independent financial/legal professionals, day in and out.

We highly encourage you to experience the convenience we provide.

Alternatively speak to one of our advisors.
+44 (0) 207 100 2121

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