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+44 (0) 207 100 2121
Office: Nogizaka, 1F,2F and 3F, Tokyo, 107-0062
Office: Nogizaka, 1F,2F and 3F, Tokyo, 107-0062
Office: Nogizaka, 1F,2F and 3F, Tokyo, 107-0062
Office: Nogizaka, 1F,2F and 3F, Tokyo, 107-0062
Office: Nogizaka, 1F,2F and 3F, Tokyo, 107-0062
Office: Nogizaka, 1F,2F and 3F, Tokyo, 107-0062
Office: Nogizaka, 1F,2F and 3F, Tokyo, 107-0062
Office: Nogizaka, 1F,2F and 3F, Tokyo, 107-0062
Office: Nogizaka, 1F,2F and 3F, Tokyo, 107-0062
Office: Nogizaka, 1F,2F and 3F, Tokyo, 107-0062
Office: Nogizaka, 1F,2F and 3F, Tokyo, 107-0062
Office: Nogizaka, 1F,2F and 3F, Tokyo, 107-0062

Office features

  • Outdoor recreational space
  • City/town centre

Office Space to Rent:
Nogizaka, 1F,2F and 3F, Tokyo, 107-0062

¥79,890 Per Desk / month

About this flexible office building

This business centres provide a simple but efficient facility for your business needs.

Typically located in boutique properties in leading business districts, they are suitable for all types of businesses seeking small sized offices with economy prices.

Nogizaka centre is located in a quieter cosmopolitan area adjacent to Tokyo Mid-Town and Roppongi Hills and will suit the needs of clients requiring a peaceful working environment.

The location is good for companies looking for international and domestic business networks as well as start ups looking for a prestigious business address.

The boutique centre consists of three floors each optimised with a range of different sized stylish private offices, day office space and meeting room facilities.

Conveniently located for public transportation, Nogizaka centre is 1 minute walk to Nogizaka metro station and is within a 5-7 minute of Roppongi and Tokyo Mid-Town offering a wide range of shopping facilities, restaurants, five star hotels and serviced apartments.

Alternatively speak to one of our advisors.
+44 (0) 207 100 2121

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